POV-Ray Buttons and Logos

Eric Bainville - Mar 2007

Glowing effect

Our next challenge is to make the button contents glow, as if it were lit by an internal light. This effect requires a media for the light to spread inside, and photons. The rendering times becomes quite high.

The first step is to drill a hole in the button using the desired shape. Then we put a light behind the button, and a hollow cylinder containing scattering media over the button. Finally, photons and media computations are enabled using the appropriate options. Only the backlight contributes to these effects.

#include "colors.inc"
#include "metals.inc"
#include "textures.inc"

global_settings {
  assumed_gamma 1        
  ambient_light White
  photons {
    spacing 0.01
    media 60

#declare camera_distance = 20;
camera {                        
  location <0,0,camera_distance>
  right x up y direction -z
  angle 180*atan(2/camera_distance)/pi
  // Uncomment to render a side view  
  //rotate 50*x

light_source { <-30,70,100>, White
  photons {
    reflection off
    refraction off
  media_interaction off

// Rounded square button
#declare b_rsquare = superellipsoid {
  // Adjust first parameter: 1=circle, 0=square
  translate -z scale <1,1,0.2>

// Button symbol (start/stop)
#declare c_start = merge {
  difference {
    cylinder { <0,0,0>,<0,0,1>,1 }
    union {
      cylinder { <0,0,-1>,<0,0,2>,0.7 }
      box { <-0.3,0,-1>,<0.3,2,2> }
  box { <-0.15,0.2,0>,<0.15,1.2,1> }

// Button texture
#declare t_button = texture {
  finish {
    ambient 0.2
    diffuse 0.3
    specular 0
    phong 0.6 phong_size 20
    reflection 0
  normal { bumps 0.05 scale 0.01 }
  pigment { color Red }

// Button and contents (hole in button for backlight)
#declare final_button = difference {
  object { b_rsquare scale <0.9,0.9,1> }
  object { c_start scale <0.5,0.5,2> translate <0,0,-1> }

// Backlight
light_source {
  <0,0,-20>, White
  projected_through { box { <-0.7,-0.7,-1.1>,<0.7,0.7,-1> } }
  photons {
    reflection on
    refraction on
  media_interaction on

// Button
object { final_button texture { t_button }
  photons {
    collect on
    reflection on
    refraction on

// Media container
cylinder { <0,0,0.01>,<0,0,1>,5
  hollow pigment { color rgbt 1 }
  interior { media {
    scattering { 2,White*0.7 }
    density { spherical scale 2
      density_map {
        // Outside
        [0 rgb 0] [0.55 rgb 0]
        // Inside and center
        [0.65 rgb 1] [1 rgb 1]
  } } }
  photons {
    collect on
    reflection on
    refraction on